Once the weaning phase has ended, the weaner calves (also known as yearlings) are acquired by Wildlife Wealth, usually at the ages of between 7 and 8 months. We then purchase these calves for our commercial feedlot at a price equivalent to approximately R24 per kilogram. Provided sufficient grazing is available and the correct feed supplements are used, it is a simple matter to ensure a good average daily gain, with the goal being for the animals to reach around 350-500 kilograms in weight.
Once the calves reach the required size, a further 130 to 150 days of fattening takes place to ensure that the desired carcass grade (usually A2 or A3) is achieved. Our feedlot operation does not require much land, which means that we also have adequate facilities to ensure that the animals can be kept comfortable and under control.
Ultimately, this process means that individual calves can be fed out and sold to the market within approximately five to six months from the time of purchase. This, in turn, means that the investment in each calf is returned, on average, twice per year.